More Loved Than Wildflowers
"If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think He’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do His best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way He works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how He works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."
Matthew 6:31-34 (The Message Bible)
This verse has been flying through my brain a lot for the past few weeks. There are some things that Bryan and I have been praying and believing for, some for years, and as we get closer to seeing our answer come to pass, they come with a lot of other concerns. But God keeps putting this Word in my head, along with many others:
Matthew 18:18-20 (this one has changed my prayer life since receiving revelation on this subject), 1 John 4:4, Hebrews 11:11-12, Romans 3:3-4, Romans 4:18, Romans 4:20-22, Psalm 118:7, Psalm 118:21, etc (obviously, all of it is good!)
I'm a super big planner. My family makes fun of me, because in January, I start planning what I want to do for my April. So when we are in that season in life where we are waiting, and seeking God, it can come with several different emotions, worries...fears. I am so thankful that Bethel Music came out with the song, "No Longer Slaves." It has been my anthem since the day I heard it. It brought such revelation to me! But it's funny and kind of makes me feel silly, when the most simple things, things you've heard all of your life, all of a sudden make sense and become so real, that they change your world. Through times like these, I sing those words:
"You split the sea so I could walk right through it. You drown my fears in perfect love. You rescued me so I can stand and sing, 'I am a child of God!'"
Boom! All my life I've heard that I'm a child of God and God loves me, but when revelation hit that because I am His child and because He loves me, He will take care of me!
Bryan and I grew up in wonderful, loving families, never needing anything (that we knew of. I know it's always different from the parent's perspective), and in so many ways, I think that's what makes our relationship with God so easy. So when I hear that I'm a child of God, it makes me think about how much our parents love us, how they took care of us, how we didn't have to go to bed worrying about clothes or food the next morning, and it reminds me of how much more God loves us and provides for us, and takes care of us because He loves us even more than they do! We can go to sleep at night, not having to fear or worry about the next day, or the next few months, or the next year.
People ask us, "What's new? What's going on with you guys?" and every time we reply with, "Everything is the same." At first, it was kind of annoying to keep telling people that nothing was new and that everything was the same, and we began to try to make things happen so we could have more to tell people and it began to stress us out. Probably more so, me. I wanted to get to the next steps in our lives that I thought we should have been in by now and it took a toll on me.
But it's learning to be content where you are. It's learning to be content in what we're doing, and in that, we wait on the next step. We stay faithful in what we're doing and where we are and rely on God to lead us to the next step.
As I have said in probably every post I've done, God is so faithful to take care of us, provide for us and shower us in His goodness! We need to stop focusing on the lies that the enemy throws at us, and focusing on the goodness of God and what He has for His children! Every time the enemy brings up what hasn't come to pass yet, or that thing you've been praying for that you haven't seen manifest, throw it in his face that God is good! God loves YOU! You are an over-comer! Keep your focus on God and keep praising Him. Fill yourself with the Word because "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of Christ," Romans 10:17.
Keep praying and believing! We are!
Love and Blessings,
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