God Given Authority--MY Healing!
In two weeks, it will by my two year anniversary of life changing revelation that led to my healing. Not only healing in my physical body, but healing in my soul!
After two years, I figured it was finally time to get it out here! I've been wanting to share it since it happened, but due to procrastination (insert rolling eyes emoji here), two years went by and I've never shared it and all I keep hearing is,
"And they overcame, by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony," Revelation 12:11 NKJV
My heart for this is to encourage someone who may be dealing with something, so they can see their manifestation of what they're believing for--so they can overcome!
Revelation is key to any Christian walk, and I pray for revelation and healing for whoever is reading this!
All praise and glory go to my Father and my Healer!
*This may be TMI for some, but it's the whole process, and I'll try to keep it as professional as possible. :)
This is my testimony:
In July 2013, out of no where, I began having severe pains on the second day of every menstrual cycle. So severe that I couldn't stand or lay straight. I would have to miss work, my vision would become blurry, nausea would take over, using the restroom almost made me pass out and of course, severe fear and anxiety took over.
I have come to understand over time and research that this is actually common for women (another reason I want to share my healing testimony), but it was not common for me or my life so far of being a woman. For four months, this pain and fear plagued me. FOUR months of my life, pretty much stolen.
During these four months, I remember sitting at a friend's baby shower, in the corner, writing down her gifts as she opened them and watching her dreams come true...with tears in my eyes. I remember thinking, "I am never going to have this...ever."
*On a side note: Although there is still no pregnancy announcement yet, we know what God has promised us and we are standing and believing that there will be one soon, and nothing you can say can move our faith in this situation. That is all. :)
So as soon as that baby shower was over, what is a girl to do? Call her Mom! She told me that my fear is as strong as my faith, and faith comes by hearing, so I need to go home and get in the Word! As soon as I got home, I pulled out a book that I had bought a year before, but had never started. It was called "The Believer's Authority" by Andrew Wommack (Bryan and I suggest this book to everyone!! What revelation it has brought to our lives!) and I obviously needed to better understand the authority God had given me, since what I had been doing for four months (begging and pleading) hadn't been working.
One story really stuck out to me: Andrew was talking about how he, his wife, his mother and his toddler son were traveling and ended up staying the night in a hotel. During the trip, his son had become very sick, and all night, non-stop, and consistently, Andrew continued to get up and go over to his son and pray over him. Consistency shows Satan that you're serious. Andrew kept saying, "We live blessed and not cursed!" He literally told Satan to back off because they were blessed! And do you know what happened? Satan couldn't help but back down! His son calmed down, his breathing became steady and Andrew didn't get up once more in the night!
That totally opened my eyes!! That night, October 26, 2013, as I sat there in terrible pain, I used my authority! I told Satan to back off! I told him that I live blessed and not cursed! I was sick of taking his attacks! I sat there, crying, and looked up at the wall in front of me and God told me, "My healing for you and what My Word says, is more REAL than that wall you're looking at!" I took that in.... You know, we call this "the real world" that we're living in, but the spiritual realm was actually in existence before earth and everything we know and see today. It's so important to come to the realization that God's Truth, His Word, is more real and true than the room you're sitting in, the table you're leaning on, or the air you're breathing! Instantly, the pain that had plagued me for months, left my body! Instantly, I knew I was healed! The pain went away, and I knew, like I know God's voice, without any doubt, that is was DONE! Peace flooded over my body. It totally opened up new revelation in my soul, and set me on fire!
"Jesus never told us to pray and ask God to heal people. He told us to go and heal the sick (Matthew 10:8)! In the Gospels, Jesus never commanded His disciples to pray for the sick, but He did command them to heal the sick (Luke 9:2 and 10:9). The way it's being done in the church today, we basically pray, 'O Father. We know that You can do it. If it's Your will, please--pretty please--do it.' We come as beggars, asking. And if we don't see something manifest, if we don't see an instant result, then we wonder, 'Why didn't God heal them?' No. God has already released all the healing power it takes for every person on this planet to be healed of every sickness and disease. Jesus took the stripes, and now He's given us the power to heal the sick. He gave us power and authority over all demons to cast them out and cure diseases. Jesus gave that power to us, and it's up to us to use it."-page 113 from "The Believer's Authority" workbook.
I was so encouraged and inspired! I was ready to take on the world! After a few weeks went by, I was just a few more weeks away from my next menstrual cycle and I started to become very nervous. I knew with everything in me that I had received my healing, but that doubt was creeping in and saying, "Well, maybe the pain just went away before because you were almost done with your cycle." But I had to keep pushing those thoughts out!
"Satan's only power is deception. Satan doesn't have the power or authority to force you to do anything. When we don't know the truth about who we are in Christ and the power we've been given, then--in a very real sense--we are the ones who are giving Satan the power and authority to rule and dominate us. You can break that!"-page 83 from "The Believer's Authority" workbook.
When it came time, and I was on my second day of my cycle since my healing, we had to get up super early that morning to fly out of town for the holidays. I woke up very nervous, but I kept telling myself that what happened was true! It was real and it was MINE! As that second day ended, with no pain or discomfort AT ALL, I couldn't contain my excitement! I was so thankful, praising my God! It was just confirmation for my soul and body!
Now I'm not saying that there aren't times that I have to still fight against a sickness, fear or anxiety. Not long after this awesome experience, I was really attacked with fear and anxiety over other situations, something I've had to fight since I was a child. But I can also say that as time goes on, I get stronger and stronger and even better at standing my ground and fighting! There are no words to express the PEACE that comes with knowing that I am a child of God, and there is no one else that I can trust in like I trust in Him to protect me and take care of me.
"Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er!
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!"
With Love and prayers for hope,
After two years, I figured it was finally time to get it out here! I've been wanting to share it since it happened, but due to procrastination (insert rolling eyes emoji here), two years went by and I've never shared it and all I keep hearing is,
"And they overcame, by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony," Revelation 12:11 NKJV
My heart for this is to encourage someone who may be dealing with something, so they can see their manifestation of what they're believing for--so they can overcome!
Revelation is key to any Christian walk, and I pray for revelation and healing for whoever is reading this!
All praise and glory go to my Father and my Healer!
*This may be TMI for some, but it's the whole process, and I'll try to keep it as professional as possible. :)
This is my testimony:
In July 2013, out of no where, I began having severe pains on the second day of every menstrual cycle. So severe that I couldn't stand or lay straight. I would have to miss work, my vision would become blurry, nausea would take over, using the restroom almost made me pass out and of course, severe fear and anxiety took over.
I have come to understand over time and research that this is actually common for women (another reason I want to share my healing testimony), but it was not common for me or my life so far of being a woman. For four months, this pain and fear plagued me. FOUR months of my life, pretty much stolen.
During these four months, I remember sitting at a friend's baby shower, in the corner, writing down her gifts as she opened them and watching her dreams come true...with tears in my eyes. I remember thinking, "I am never going to have this...ever."
*On a side note: Although there is still no pregnancy announcement yet, we know what God has promised us and we are standing and believing that there will be one soon, and nothing you can say can move our faith in this situation. That is all. :)
So as soon as that baby shower was over, what is a girl to do? Call her Mom! She told me that my fear is as strong as my faith, and faith comes by hearing, so I need to go home and get in the Word! As soon as I got home, I pulled out a book that I had bought a year before, but had never started. It was called "The Believer's Authority" by Andrew Wommack (Bryan and I suggest this book to everyone!! What revelation it has brought to our lives!) and I obviously needed to better understand the authority God had given me, since what I had been doing for four months (begging and pleading) hadn't been working.
One story really stuck out to me: Andrew was talking about how he, his wife, his mother and his toddler son were traveling and ended up staying the night in a hotel. During the trip, his son had become very sick, and all night, non-stop, and consistently, Andrew continued to get up and go over to his son and pray over him. Consistency shows Satan that you're serious. Andrew kept saying, "We live blessed and not cursed!" He literally told Satan to back off because they were blessed! And do you know what happened? Satan couldn't help but back down! His son calmed down, his breathing became steady and Andrew didn't get up once more in the night!
That totally opened my eyes!! That night, October 26, 2013, as I sat there in terrible pain, I used my authority! I told Satan to back off! I told him that I live blessed and not cursed! I was sick of taking his attacks! I sat there, crying, and looked up at the wall in front of me and God told me, "My healing for you and what My Word says, is more REAL than that wall you're looking at!" I took that in.... You know, we call this "the real world" that we're living in, but the spiritual realm was actually in existence before earth and everything we know and see today. It's so important to come to the realization that God's Truth, His Word, is more real and true than the room you're sitting in, the table you're leaning on, or the air you're breathing! Instantly, the pain that had plagued me for months, left my body! Instantly, I knew I was healed! The pain went away, and I knew, like I know God's voice, without any doubt, that is was DONE! Peace flooded over my body. It totally opened up new revelation in my soul, and set me on fire!
"Jesus never told us to pray and ask God to heal people. He told us to go and heal the sick (Matthew 10:8)! In the Gospels, Jesus never commanded His disciples to pray for the sick, but He did command them to heal the sick (Luke 9:2 and 10:9). The way it's being done in the church today, we basically pray, 'O Father. We know that You can do it. If it's Your will, please--pretty please--do it.' We come as beggars, asking. And if we don't see something manifest, if we don't see an instant result, then we wonder, 'Why didn't God heal them?' No. God has already released all the healing power it takes for every person on this planet to be healed of every sickness and disease. Jesus took the stripes, and now He's given us the power to heal the sick. He gave us power and authority over all demons to cast them out and cure diseases. Jesus gave that power to us, and it's up to us to use it."-page 113 from "The Believer's Authority" workbook.
I was so encouraged and inspired! I was ready to take on the world! After a few weeks went by, I was just a few more weeks away from my next menstrual cycle and I started to become very nervous. I knew with everything in me that I had received my healing, but that doubt was creeping in and saying, "Well, maybe the pain just went away before because you were almost done with your cycle." But I had to keep pushing those thoughts out!
"Satan's only power is deception. Satan doesn't have the power or authority to force you to do anything. When we don't know the truth about who we are in Christ and the power we've been given, then--in a very real sense--we are the ones who are giving Satan the power and authority to rule and dominate us. You can break that!"-page 83 from "The Believer's Authority" workbook.
When it came time, and I was on my second day of my cycle since my healing, we had to get up super early that morning to fly out of town for the holidays. I woke up very nervous, but I kept telling myself that what happened was true! It was real and it was MINE! As that second day ended, with no pain or discomfort AT ALL, I couldn't contain my excitement! I was so thankful, praising my God! It was just confirmation for my soul and body!
Now I'm not saying that there aren't times that I have to still fight against a sickness, fear or anxiety. Not long after this awesome experience, I was really attacked with fear and anxiety over other situations, something I've had to fight since I was a child. But I can also say that as time goes on, I get stronger and stronger and even better at standing my ground and fighting! There are no words to express the PEACE that comes with knowing that I am a child of God, and there is no one else that I can trust in like I trust in Him to protect me and take care of me.
"Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er!
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!"
With Love and prayers for hope,
What a powerful testimony! I have a similar testimony, so it's even more awesome to hear more and more people being set free! Thank you for sharing :)