Walking In Favor
I haven't blogged in a long time, and there are several things I've been wanting to share lately! God has really been doing some awesome things in our lives, and I need to share them! So, even though they will be out of order of when they happened, I'm going to start with this story, because it's most recent!
I just have to do a little bragging on our God, who cares so much for us and what we enjoy and care about. He is always taking care of us! He never leaves us or forsakes us and He's no respecter of persons, which means that He wants to bless your socks off too! He loves and cares for you as much as he does the next person! He wants a relationship with you like He has with all of His children!
As many of you know, I have been at the same job for the past two years that we've been here, and I loved the work I was doing, but the situation wasn't very good. It was getting to the point that after prayer and our seeking wisdom, it was the best decision for our family for me to leave that job, even though I didn't have another lined up. The important thing was that we felt total peace about it, and we knew that every time we had to take a big step of faith (like moving to Colorado without jobs or seeing the apartment we were going to move to), God was always there to take care of us, because we are His kids and He loves us! Within two weeks of leaving that job, I was hired on at another medical group where I was working more hours that made better paychecks. We were so grateful! It wasn't ideal, but God was providing through it and we were thankful.
I was there for two months when I randomly got a call from a past co-worker who was managing another medical office, notifying me that he would be interviewing for an open position where he was. This was such exciting news, as it was the exact type of work that I love doing and I would be able to work with patients again! I wasn't even looking for another job!
I interviewed for the position, got the job, and started my first day yesterday! I absolutely love it, and let me just tell you, God is using this to provide above and beyond for our family!
We also got some other great news today! As most of you know from all of my statuses over the past two years, my Husband has been promoted several times (because he's such a great worker) and has been the Service Manager at his bank for the past several months. Last month, he randomly got a phone call from another bank who wanted him to be a Service Manager at their bank! Bryan interviewed for that position and found out today that he got the job, with a raise and starts at the end of this month! He is thrilled!
Again, we give ALL of the glory to God! We have been going through A LOT of changes in our small little family and we're so excited about them all! It makes decisions easier when you have the One who knows all of the answers!
"The master said, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!'" Matthew 25:23
I just have to do a little bragging on our God, who cares so much for us and what we enjoy and care about. He is always taking care of us! He never leaves us or forsakes us and He's no respecter of persons, which means that He wants to bless your socks off too! He loves and cares for you as much as he does the next person! He wants a relationship with you like He has with all of His children!
As many of you know, I have been at the same job for the past two years that we've been here, and I loved the work I was doing, but the situation wasn't very good. It was getting to the point that after prayer and our seeking wisdom, it was the best decision for our family for me to leave that job, even though I didn't have another lined up. The important thing was that we felt total peace about it, and we knew that every time we had to take a big step of faith (like moving to Colorado without jobs or seeing the apartment we were going to move to), God was always there to take care of us, because we are His kids and He loves us! Within two weeks of leaving that job, I was hired on at another medical group where I was working more hours that made better paychecks. We were so grateful! It wasn't ideal, but God was providing through it and we were thankful.
I was there for two months when I randomly got a call from a past co-worker who was managing another medical office, notifying me that he would be interviewing for an open position where he was. This was such exciting news, as it was the exact type of work that I love doing and I would be able to work with patients again! I wasn't even looking for another job!
I interviewed for the position, got the job, and started my first day yesterday! I absolutely love it, and let me just tell you, God is using this to provide above and beyond for our family!
We also got some other great news today! As most of you know from all of my statuses over the past two years, my Husband has been promoted several times (because he's such a great worker) and has been the Service Manager at his bank for the past several months. Last month, he randomly got a phone call from another bank who wanted him to be a Service Manager at their bank! Bryan interviewed for that position and found out today that he got the job, with a raise and starts at the end of this month! He is thrilled!
Again, we give ALL of the glory to God! We have been going through A LOT of changes in our small little family and we're so excited about them all! It makes decisions easier when you have the One who knows all of the answers!
"The master said, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!'" Matthew 25:23
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