
Showing posts from 2018

Lydia's Story

Lydia’s story is one of grace, protection, hope and healing; and this is just the beginning. As the majority of you know, we lost our firstborn son unexpectedly due to me having an incompetent cervix. You can see his story here . We had gone in for our 21 week anatomy scan and were thrilled to find out what gender our baby was, only to find out that he was “falling” out of me. His legs and hips were already in the vaginal canal and we had no clue, until it was too late. I ended up spending two weeks in the hospital lying flat on my back trying to keep him in and on January 3rd, 2017, our son was born and passed away forty minutes later. At the time the Doctors were not sure why this happened. We didn’t know if he started coming because of some type of infection, if my body went into early labor or an incompetent cervix , which was the first time any of us had ever heard of that. Unfortunately, with an incompetent cervix, most women don’t know they have it until it’s too late. ...