Walking In Favor
I haven't blogged in a long time, and there are several things I've been wanting to share lately! God has really been doing some awesome things in our lives, and I need to share them! So, even though they will be out of order of when they happened, I'm going to start with this story, because it's most recent! I just have to do a little bragging on our God, who cares so much for us and what we enjoy and care about. He is always taking care of us! He never leaves us or forsakes us and He's no respecter of persons, which means that He wants to bless your socks off too! He loves and cares for you as much as he does the next person! He wants a relationship with you like He has with all of His children! As many of you know, I have been at the same job for the past two years that we've been here, and I loved the work I was doing, but the situation wasn't very good. It was getting to the point that after prayer and our seeking wisdom, it was the best decision for ...