
Showing posts from March, 2017

What Do You Require?

Revelation is KEY to the Christian walk. It changes everything. The majority of this post is from the notes I took while watching a teaching from Barry Bennett called, "The Effectual Fervent Prayer of a Righteous Man."  I want to make sure that I give him credit where credit is due! I am so thankful for his faithfulness to share what God shows him! Before having Judah, they found two complex cysts on my right ovary. Since having him, they found that those cysts had merged together and made one bigger one and that a new one had also formed on my left ovary. It was bummer news to get right after the tragedy we experienced. That’s all I’m going to say about it though, because I got a little revelation about how much we talk to people about our problems and speak more life into our issues than speaking life into our promises of health and wholeness. So I am really trying to work on not talking about my problems all the time and talking about the promises that God has ...