
Showing posts from March, 2012

From Indoors to Pike's Peak

So here we are! After lots of prayer, stress, boxes, 14 ½ hours on the road, a little more stress and more boxes, we’re finally…home. Sitting here, at our dining room table (because we now have a dining room ), I’m still having a hard time really believing we’re here. On February 2 nd , we were sitting in my parent’s hardware store and I was getting ready to fax my resumes to some doctor’s offices here in Colorado Springs (just to get a head start. We still hadn’t decided WHEN we were actually going to move. I’m just a planner. ) and I was telling my Mom that I should probably just call her cousin and his wife to see if just I could move up there (without Bryan) and stay with them for a little bit just in case I got a call back. I mean, you really can’t blame us for having thought this plan up. It’s scary considering moving 800 miles away and not having a job or home. But I’m so thankful for my to-the-point, “let’s-not-waste-time,” Dad (which is who I got my personality from ). I r...